Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Slowing down in a world that moves too fast. I lean towards wanting everything ‘now,’ and professionally I work in an environment where speed is rewarded. Groceries, clothes, and food are all easily accessible, requiring little to no time to be in my possession. At work we are all rewarded for our ability to: think faster, build faster, grow faster, learn faster, and get to the point….faster.
When planning my 4YFU (four year fill-up), I thought this was my opportunity to go big - a multi-country European trip, maybe? But as I started looking at itineraries and flights, it all felt exhausting. Traveling with Freya would’ve meant powering through instead of slowing down, and I realized that’s not what I really needed. Hawaii called to me, reminding me of how she makes time stretch. I conceded, and the Big Island became the destination for our girls trip.
Now with this first week behind me, I’ve been reflecting on the opportunities to practice patience, move with intention, and remember a life before convenience ruled daily life. It’s made me wonder: In the constant chase for efficiency and instant gratification, are we losing sight of the slower, simpler moments that actually make life more meaningful?
The beauty of unhurried moments. Almost every day last week, I met people who actually took the time to connect. It feels so rare these days for strangers to stop and have real conversations without being in a rush. Those moments made me realize just how much I value that kind of simple, human interaction.
We often know what needs to change, we just have to take action. "This might seem obvious, but it’s easy to fall into complacency - letting fear or comfort drown out the voice of our intuition. How often do we avoid making the changes we know we need, simply because staying where we are feels easier?
Snapshots & Stops.
Papa Kona Restaurant & Bar. While waiting to check in, Freya and I found a restaurant by the water. They offer brunch and dinner with traditional Hawaiian dishes. It's in a busy area with hotels and shops, so it feels touristy, but it's a nice spot to relax and enjoy good food.
Residents Beachouse Restaurant. We took a random left off the highway and ended up at the Four Seasons resort. After finding free public parking (shocking), we explored the area and found a beach restaurant. The food wasn’t anything special, but I’d eat there again. It was Freya's first time crawling on the sand, and she decided to make it extra memorable by shoving a handful of sand in her mouth - and making me panic she’d choke. Fun times!
Doutor Coffee Farm*. This coffee farm invites you to pick your own fruit and macadamia nuts as you take a mini hike down to their gift shop. At the bottom they have a beautiful seating area with an infinity pool overlooking Kona. I may or may not have spent way too much time trying to find and eat every last macadamia nut available.
*rec from Jenn
UCC Coffee Farm*. Cute little coffee farm where you can stop and get an affogato - which I haven’t had since I was a barista. Downstairs you can find a little shaded seating area where you can sit down and enjoy your coffee while overlooking Kona.
*another rec. from Jenn
Baby Pond Beach. With the island experiencing a swell, Freya and I headed to calmer waters. The shallow areas are perfect for babies to crawl, while older kids can swim without worrying about it getting too deep - or rip tides (dun dun dun). The spot is surrounded by lava fields, and honestly, it was stunning. Next time, I’ll have to make sure to get a picture!
The Vanillerie. A charming little vanilla farm about four minutes from the Kona airport. We stumbled in a little too late to join a farm tour, but the staff were nice enough to let us walk the grounds. We enjoyed some homemade vanilla bean ice cream and local honey before moving on to our next stop.
HiCo Coffee. Known for their Ube latte, this was quite a cute coffee shop full of plants and a nice merch area. Outside Freya and I shared a table with a lovely young artist, where we chatted about all things life, family, and travel. Above is some of her artwork, which she so graciously gifted me before we left.
Holualoa. This village just screamed ‘Chanel come explore here.’ We enjoyed breakfast at Holualoa kitchen (so cute), and then we went on to peruse the boutiques. I snagged a new hat, and Freya got a mermaid that she literally could not part ways with.